The GaiaXus Learning System

The GaiaXus Learning System combines an accurate environmental sensor, a dedicated teaching app and an online portal to develop and share "Labs" for students.


The sensor forms the backbone of the GaiaXus Learning System. It is accurate for the quantitative analysis of water quality parameters, robust for routine school use and affordable for schools, education groups and individuals.  The platform includes sensors for water temperature, salinity, turbidity and depth.  

The sensor weighs under 2lb and is easily carried to a creek, river or other waterway where it can be used up to 10m of water depth.  With 4 data acquisition modes it offers flexibility from operating as a data collection buoy for a limited time to working as a grab-sample sensor.  

The acquired data is stored on the device until a connection with the GaiaXus mobile app is made and the data is passed on.  

The GaiaXus Sensor Probe

The Learning App controls the water quality sensor, it sets the mode of the device and starts and ends the recording.

Acquired data is displayed in app and stored where it can be reviewed by the student or teacher.  The app will also store all data until an internet connection is established, then the app sends the data to the GaiaXus web portal.


The GaiaXus app includes a system of Labs, customized educational content that teachers prepare before the class and contain questions, information and challenges that guide students through the path of discovery.  

The GaiaXus web portal allows educators to log in, review acquired data, map the results and download the data to share with their students.

Here, educators develop the Labs, a self-contained curriculum of environmental information and questions. The Labs are used in conjunction with the water quality monitor and represent a true science discovery experience.

GaiaXus Water Quality Map

GaiaXus Publications, Labs and Project Ideas

Here are some ideas for labs and projects that use the GaiaXus system!  Feel free to send us your ideas - we would love to share them!

GaiaXus Overview - a 2-pager explaining who we are and what we are doing

Salty Streams & Mighty Macroinvertebrates: Observing the Impacts of Salt Pollution on Freshwater Streams

Suitable for GRADES: 5, 6-8

Storm watch - students safely observe water quality parameters during an intense rainstorm.

Suitable for Grades 8-12

GaiaXus Overview Poster Presentation

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